Eurojackpot Set For Major Changes in March

Major changes are set to be made to Eurojackpot in March. There will be a second weekly draw, bigger jackpots and a change to how many numbers you can pick from.
The game has been updated to mark the 10-year anniversary of Eurojackpot’s launch, with the new rules taking effect from Friday 25th March. Find out more about what is going to change.
New Tuesday Draw
The new draw day will be Tuesday, giving you two chances every week to play for the multimillion-euro jackpot.
There has only been one draw a week since Eurojackpot began on 23rd March 2012, but you will no longer have to wait seven days for the next opportunity to take part.
With more draws being held, you can expect more prizes to be paid out, the jackpot to climb faster and get won more regularly. The first Tuesday draw will be 29th March.
More Euro numbers
The way you play Eurojackpot will largely remain the same, as you will still have to pick five main numbers from 1 to 50, plus two Euro numbers.
However, you will now be able to pick your Euro numbers from a range of 1 to 12, instead of 1 to 10. This will impact on the odds of winning prizes in each of the 12 categories.
The odds of winning the jackpot, for example, will go from 1 in 95,344,200 to 1 in 139,838,160. While there may end up being slightly fewer winners, a minor recalculation in the percentage of the prize money going to each tier is expected to lead to larger payouts on average in every category.
Bigger Jackpots
The maximum jackpot will be increased from €90 million to €120 million, setting up the possibility of a new record being set for the biggest-ever win later this year.
The current jackpot cap of €90 million has been reached multiple times over the past 10 years. It first happened in May 2015 when a man from the Czech Republic won, and most recently in August 2021 when it was split between players from Finland and Poland.
Under the new rules the jackpot will be able to go €30 million higher than ever before. It will then have to be capped at €120 million. Once the new cap is reached, the same system will apply as it does now - with additional funds going to the Match 5 + 1 tier. This second category will also have a limit of €120 million if required.
The cost of entry will stay the same, so you have the opportunity to win bigger prizes, twice a week, without having to pay more. You can take part online or by going to an authorised retailer in any of the 18 participating countries.
Article Last Updated: Thursday 10th February 2022 at 10:30 AM